What is a valid baseline in comparative studies in carabidology?

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Dear friends!

As you know from the e-mails sent, unfortunately we had to introduce significant changes in the organization of the symposium. The symposium will be held at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences on July 25-27, 2022. The field trip will be organized on the Wednesday (27 July) to the Kozienicka forests, which is an example of mixed forests of the Central European Lowlands. We are sorry but the situation on the border with Belarus made it impossible to make a trip to Bialowieza Primeval Forest.

Since the 19th ECM in sunny Italy, nothing has changed, ground beetles are still important model organisms, and consequently are still in the center of attention of many scientists from Europe and other countries. ECM are meetings of researchers and enthusiasts researching and discovering ecology, biogeography, and the evolution of these interesting beetles. Getting to know the secrets of ground beetles is very often combined with a broader understanding of the functioning of their living environment - which leads to the study of ecosystems.

ECM meetings have been held continuously since 1969, when the first founding meeting took place in Wijster, the Netherlands. Since then, the "family" of carabidologists has grown and many new young enthusiasts of carabidology have emerged. Unfortunately, in the past 52 years, a few colleagues have passed away. We remember about them during our meetings.

We cordially invite you to participate in the meeting,

20th European Carabidologists Meeting, Warszawa, Poland
July 25-27, 2022