What is a valid baseline in comparative studies in carabidology?

StartPatronageInvitationScientific committeePreliminary agendaInformationAccommodationAbstractOrganizing committeeContactGallery


Dear friends

Registration - here is a form that will facilitate organizational work. Since the Scientific Committee proposed to introduce changes in the organization of the symposium in order to protect the environment (choosing the most ecological way to reach Warsaw and avoiding unnecessary printing on paper), we introduced declarations about how are you going to reach the conference and if you wish to receive (or not) a conference bag combined with information on accommodation and other important matter. Please complete the registration of the word document and send it to:
Word document

Accommodation - The symposium will be held at the University of Life Sciences in Warsaw.
We suggest ordering accommodation in students accommodation or in a hotel on our University.

You can get to Warsaw by:

Transportation in Warsaw